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Good work!

Thank you man, I love this!

(1 edit) (+1)

Hey! Thank you so much for sharing your art, I really like the vibe of this asset! I used it in my game (the wall layer on the front of the platforms and all the buildings separated as sprites to feed the platform generation). Here's the link if you're curious: Purrsuit of Happiness (but please forgive me for the squeezing/expanding of the buildings to fit the procedurally-generated platforms 👉👈).

Wow. Looks amazing! Very solid game. Thanks for using my assets =)


Люди которые не знаю: ВАУУУУ!!
Люди которые знают: Кхххх, с этого момента поподробнее йопта !!

Hi! Thank you so much for these, I used them in a project and they were perfect!

Wow. I'm so glad =) Thanks for letting me know





You are welcome 

Cool tilemap)